What is cheeki breeki
What is cheeki breeki

what is cheeki breeki

Going back to checkers translation, which roughly means to take advantage, it allows us to interpret the phrase as "Flank from behind!" For example, "Ah noo cheeki breeki i v damké!" is a "detour" file that plays when Bandits try to flank the player. Looking through the game files of the Bandits, they have different types of sounds that play when they try to communicate. The phrase can be semantically obscure even to the Bandits themselves and therefore serve no other purpose than to display emotion and threaten the enemy, much like the American expression "Fuck yeah!". It also should be noted that Cheeki Breeki can have purely cathartic function, that is, to convey excitement or anticipation. "Чики-брики" is often warped into a vulgar threat of shooting someone, while "и в дамки" means "the head" which would roughly translate the phrase into "Shoot him in the fucking head". Another translation relies on the Bandits heavy use of localized Russian slang.Simply put, this phrase expresses that one player has the upper hand over the other, or that the speaker is in control of the situation. "А ну, чики-брики и в дамки" may mean "One, two, I'm on top!", which in the context of Russian checkers is said when two pieces are stacked to create a "king".

what is cheeki breeki

The phonetic transliteration of the original phrase to English is "Ah noo cheeki breeki i v damké".Ī common misconception of the expression Cheeki Breeki says that it is a corrupted pronunciation of "shake it, break it", but the actual phrase itself has two possible and closely related translations: The expression Cheeki Breeki alone can mean that's everything's OK. The meaning of the phrase "А ну, чики-брики и в дамки", which Cheeki Breeki is derived from, is related to the board game of checkers - one of the favorite pastimes of Russian inmates - and is also part of a Russian nursery rhyme.

what is cheeki breeki

Unless encountered at a major base, the taunt will not have musical accompaniment.Ĭheeki breeki is a phrase that represents the Bandit faction and, outside of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series of games, the stereotype of Gopniks and Soviet/Post-Soviet criminals in the eyes of the western internet. It is manifested exclusively by proximate Bandits before mounting an attack upon the player. Cheeki Breeki is one of several taunt memes popularized within the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Background music heard at local HQs Train hangar in CS or Bandit Base in SoC.

What is cheeki breeki