On the beach right outside the cave on the left (looking from inside the objective), there is an M220 TOW ATGM launcher that can be used against enemy vehicles and infantry.

Platforms are also present on the inside so that infantry and small vehicles don't have to deal with the difficult, jagged terrain on the rocks they are on top of. Inside there are several waist-high crates and lamps on a platform surrounding the actual flag. This can be countered by using thermal-based imaging optics. It is situated underneath the north island in a large cave, and when looking at the objective from the outside, it is very difficult to see activity inside because of the visual obstruction of the waterfall (hence the name). The northernmost objective on the map and one of the closest to the USMC's deployment, the Waterfall is accessible to both watercraft and infantry (as well as helicopters with some skill). Because of their position, they are placed closest to the Shipwreck and the Bunkers (objectives Bravo and Echo in Conquest Large). The People's Liberation Army deploys off of a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship identical to the USS Essex, in the southeast corner of the map. Because of their position, they are placed closest to the Waterfall and the Village (objectives Alpha and Delta in Conquest Large). The United States Marine Corps spawns off of the USS Essex in the northwest boundary of the map. This map has 5 flags on both Conquest and Conquest Large. Transportation between islands is relatively easy due to the abundance of vehicles and shallow waters between some islands, which allow infantry to cross with ATVs and to place explosives, which can be fatal to enemy watercraft if they risk entering. Lost Islands is one of the smaller maps, but yet also one of the most tropical, with all of the islands boasting vegetation and foliage. However, there are plenty of instances for infantry as well as aerial-based engagements. Lost Islands, like the rest of the maps in the Naval Strike expansion, is primarily centered around naval-based combat. Another special area of this map is the cave blanketed by a waterfall, as it provides visual cover for patrolling boats and helicopters." Overview

The key to master this map is to control the plane at the crash site, which can be blown open to give infantry some much needed cover. The map itself contains several small islands surrounding the crash site that can be traversed using quad bikes around the whole map, or by using boats (including the new hovercraft) to take shortcuts across it. "Starting with Lost Islands, this map focuses around a crashed airplane located near the center of the map.